Monday, 15 March 2010

Crafty bits and bobs

Here are a few little hand made things I've, well, made by hand :)
These owls got everywhere at Christmas time
The pillow was made out of an old t-shirt, that was the first thing I made on the sewing machine and has a very dodgy seam! Oh, and my lavender mouse is there alongside it.

This flower badge/broach/decoration whatever you'd like to call it was made yesterday to pass a lazy Sunday morning

And finally! My egg babies :) They need topping up with wax still but I was too excited and had to upload a picture right away :)

Here is a picture of the candles in action!

Thursday, 11 March 2010


My t-shirt design has been sort listed here

If you have a spare 10 seconds go and vote for it!

Poster Design

This was a poster design for an annual event that goes on in Leeds. It is about turning the city into a walking art showcase for the night with all sorts of activies going on.


The book below was all about patterns and textures all over the city of Leeds.

The next book I made lead on here. It is all about Hunslet Mills, an old factory that is getting renovated soon. It is full of little signs and details that an soon to be destroyed.

Little Monsters!

Here are a couple of my little monsters :)

This next one was my little monster envelope. I made a series of distorted envelopes and posted them all too myself. Some were quite cryptic and the address took a lot of working out but they all made it back successfully.

Work for me

The next couple of images were'nt for college and uni, but for me. I wanted to improve on photoshop so they some little practice exersizes.

And an odd drawing I did once in the bath..

These next images were from a storyboard I made for the Grimme's tale 'The Straw, the Coal and the Bean'.
They were made using a combination of photographs and illustrations.

The next series of image I produced were done using painted background, parts of photographs then worked into and over to layer them.


This image was made at college when I was doing a project on shadow puppets. It was made by screen printing the image using butter instead of paints, then covering with ink.

Messing around with paint drops and a little bit of editing on photoshop.

This is photocopied accatate that had been etched into.